To: Nikolaus Zmeskall von Domanovecz
Vienna, February 2, 1812

Anderson v1 pg356 - letter #346

       Not an extraordinary, but a very ordinary and even mediocre quill-cutter, whose virtuosity in this respect has certainly deteriorated. These quills require a few repairs and renovations –– When, when are you really going to cast off your fetters, when will that be? –– You do think of me, very much so; but cursed be life here in Austria’s barbarous country, for me at any rate –– I shall now go mostly to the Schwan, since at other taverns I cannot protect myself from importunate people ––

       All good wishes, that is to say, be as well as I wish you to be without my company.

                                                                                        Your friend

       Most extraordinary fellow, we request you to ask your servant to find someone to clean out the rooms. As he knows my quarters, he can also fix the price without more ado –– but it must be soon –– carnival rogue ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

       The enclosed note is at least eight days old.